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ATLA Historical Monographs Collection (All Series)
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ATLA Historical Monographs Collection (All Series) ATLA Historical Monographs Collection (All Series)
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More than 29,000 documents focused on religious thought and practice from the 13th through the early 20th centuries (mostly 1850-1923), with the typography, graphics and drawings as they were originally presented, which provides context and perspective to religion in American and world history.  Content can be summarized in the following themes: Biblical research perspectives (1516-1922), Catholic engagements with the modern world (1487-1918), Christian preaching, worship, and piety (1559-1919), global religious traditions (1760-1922), global theological perspectives (1322-1922), Islam in the modern world (1804-1918), Jewish studies perspectives (1800-1918), missions and missionaries around the world (1611-1922), perspectives on ancient civilizations (1200-1922), religion and social change (1723-1921), and religious leaders and thinkers (1516-1922).

