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Rev. Dennis J. Bennett Papers


Container Description:

- Scrapbooks, books, reel-to reel audio tapes, audio cassette tapes, recorders (musical instruments)


Container Inventory:

- 4 dated period scrapbooks (contain newspaper articles, brochures, and pictures illustrating involvement in the Charismatic movement):

- Vol.1: 1949-1968 (contains letters received from English pastors, and brochures, bulletins about his itineraries & his speaking engagements at conferences when he visited England.  It also contains newspaper articles and clippings on Bennett’s involvement in the Charismatic movement, and articles by Bennett.)

- Vo1.2: 1969-1971 (brochures, bulletins, newspaper articles and clippings on Dennis and Rita Bennett’s ministry, and announcements about their speaking engagements at conferences and events)

- Vol.3: 1972-1974, (brochures, bulletins, news paper articles and clippings on Dennis and Rita Bennett’s ministry, and on the Charismatic movement.  Announcements about their speaking engagements at conferences and events)

 - Vol.4: 1975-1977  (brochures, bulletins, newspaper articles and clippings on Dennis and Rita Bennett’s ministry, and announcements about their speaking engagements at conferences and events.)       

- 2 books (Nine O'clock in the Morning, and Evolution: A Theory in Crisis by Denton, Michael)   

- 7 audio cassette tapes in a black cassette binder (binder has one empty tape slot)



- 2 recorders (musical instruments)   

- 7, 7" reel-to -reel tapes (the earliest date is February 1962)

Container Description:

- scrapbooks, books, VHS video tapes, audio cassette tapes


Container Inventory:

- 4 scrapbooks (contain newspaper articles, brochures, and pictures illustrating involvement in the Charismatic movement):

(the following Volumes 5 & 6 are a continuation of the 4 dated period scrapbooks in container 1)

- Vol.5: 1978-1979, 1984 (brochures, bulletins, newspaper articles and clippings on Dennis and Rita Bennett’s ministry, and announcements about speaking engagements at conferences and events)

- Vol. 6: 1985-1990 (brochures, bulletins, newspaper articles and clippings on Dennis and Rita Bennett’s ministry, and announcements about their speaking engagements at conferences and events),

- Scrapbook containing extensive sympathy letters and cards to express condolences for the death of the Bennett’s daughter Margaret

- Scrapbook labeled “scrapbook” contains information from his wedding announcement in 1938, to around 1956.  Includes has items regarding his first wife Elberta, poems he wrote, his ordination announcements at various levels, announcements about his new positions at various churches in the early years of his ministry, letters for his daughter Margaret from her class mates when she was sick, drawings (from his daughter Margaret?), and newspaper articles.

- 3 books and 1 journal notebook (His personal Common Book of Prayer given to him from Rita in 1971, The Boy's Guide  by Williams, Archibald, and Telescope Operation Manual for the Amateur Astronomer by Dudley Jr., Raymond R.   Journal notebook is Bennett's pilot flight log.

- 1 VHS tape “Silver Celebration” of ERM  

- 35 audio cassette tapes (30 tapes in a small cardboard box; 5 in a blue binder from PEWS Action: National Episcopal Conference on Renewal, St. Philip's Cathedral, Atlanta Georgia, October 9-12, 1974 (binder has 3 empty tape slots)).  Loose pages of Greek study sheets.           

Container Description:

- Books, notebook, papers, files, large “Letters” storage box


Container Inventory:

12 Books:

o   The Light of Life in the Spirit of Man by Capps, Charles

o   God's Image of You by Capps, Charles

o   God's Creative Power Will Work For You by Capps, Charles

o   Releasing the Ability of God Through Prayer by Capps, Charles

o   The Discarded Image: An Introduction to Medieval and Renaissance Literature, by Lewis, C.S.

o   The Journal of George Fox: Biography by Penney, Norman;

o   Behold Your God by Sanford, Agnes

o   Sealed Orders by Sanford, Agnes

o   The Church of England: Where Is It Going? by Holloway, David

o   Remarkable Incidents and Modern Miracles through Prayer and Faith, by Bevington, G. G.

o   Miracles: A Preliminary Study by Lewis, C.S.

o   The Book of Common Prayer   


A detailed item-level inventory of the following material in Container 3 will be available in a separate document to be released later.  This inventory was done due to the early dates and historical significance of the material.


Large “Letters” storage box containing papers, files, magazines, newspaper articles, correspondence, brochures, pamphlets and notes:             

Includes 8 copies of Trinity magazine from 1962-1966 [copies of this publication might be rare].  Includes letter from Francis Eric Bloy, the Episcopal Bishop of Los Angeles, to the congregants of St. Mark’s Church regarding the acceptance of Rev. Bennett's resignation because of the controversy over the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, dated April 7, 1960 (“Pastoral Letter from the Bishop of the Diocese of Los Angeles”)  (2 copies), and other correspondence, etc. related to that event, and the early charismatic movement in general. 

Container Description:

- audio cassette tapes, liturgical stoles, a large binder, and loose files


Container Inventory:

·       1, 12' length x 11' width x 2 3/4 height  binder contains magazines, newspaper articles, letters, and brochures (there are some papers, letters and articles concerning the Charismatic movement in the Catholic Church)  

·       2 Office Folders:  (1 office folder: News Releases-Dennis (The loose file labeled “News Releases-Dennis” has copies from Time and Newsweek magazine from 1960 concerning Rev. Bennett and the Charismatic movement), 1 office folder: Publicity-- Bennett B, which contains 4 loose files, labels on files:   PUBLICITY-Dennis Bennett, Dennis Bennett-Pers Diary, Dennis Bennett,  and Archives Dennis  (The loose file labeled “Archives Dennis” has a photo of Dennis and Rita Bennett from 1986) (photo as been scanned)    

·       6 notebooks, titles of note books:  Morning Watch Newsletter 1980-1981, Morning Watch Newsletter 1992-1994, Morning Watch Newsletter, Morning Watch May 5, 78-Winter 89, The Morning Watch and In Touch & Emotionally Free Newsletters; Morning Watch: Fr. Dennis Bennett and Morning Watch Newsletter March 90-Summer 1993 (Morning Watch is the name of the newsletter that Dennis and Rita distribute; the first one was in 1978).   

·       98 audio cassette tapes (The box with audio cassettes is mostly recordings of Rev. Bennett's sermons)   

·       2 liturgical stoles       


General Description of Dennis and Rita Bennett correspondence in containers 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, and 13:  national and international travel and ministry arrangements, invitations to speak and minister and their responses, correspondence with publishers, responses to gifts supporting their ministry, expressions of fellowship and mutual support, discussion of issues within the charismatic movement.

Container Description:

- Files

- Correspondence by state and country

Container Description:

- Files

- Correspondence by state and country, other miscellaneous files

Container Description:

- Files

- Travel & ministry correspondence (Dennis and Rita), and correspondence (Dennis)

Container Description:

- Files, books     

- Correspondence (Dennis and Rita);

- 8 books and other miscellaneous files    

Container Description:

- Files, books    

- Includes an early edition of Nine O’clock in the Morning, autographed by Dennis

- General correspondence and Rita Bennett correspondence 

Container Description:

- Notebooks, cassette audio tapes, reel-to-reel audio tapes, miscellaneous items  

Container Inventory:

- 2 large scrapbooks (Dennis' cartoons from newspapers) 

- 44 audiocassette tapes (40 in a small cardboard box, 4 in a cassette binder),

- 6 reel-to-reel audio tapes (3, 5” reels and 3, 7” reels), 

- 1 booklet TBN 25th Anniversary: 1973-1998,

- 1 wooden wall plaque,

- 2 telegraph keys and 1 altimeter


( wooden wall plaque, telegraph keys, and altimeter moved from original Container 4 to Container 10 because of space).  

Container Description:

- Files

- Correspondence

Container Description:

- Files

- Correspondence (Dennis and Rita) Rita Correspondence

Container Description:

- Files

- Correspondence (Dennis and Rita)   

Container Description:

- Files

- Topical files AB-EC (Abortion- English Church)

Container Description:

- Files

- Topical files EP-MY (Episcopal Church -- Mysticism)   

Container Description:

- Files

- Topical files NA-SA (The Nation- Scientific Fiction)

Container Description:

- Files

- Topical files SC-YH (Scientific Materialism -- Youth)     


1 Folder (Added by Bob Sivigny July 31, 2012)

·       Contains a newspaper clipping about Dennis and Rita at Calvary Church in Kaneohe (Sept. 19-25, 1979);

·       A pamphlet entitled "Soul Restoration Via Psalm 23" by Rita Bennett,

·       A brochure entitled "Thirst For Power? Acts 1:8”,

·       You're Invited"--29th Annual N.W. Regional Convention May 28-30, 1992 presented by Full Gospel Business Men's Fellowship International;

·       Silver Anniversary Invitation in honor of Conrad and Diane Bennett at Edmonds, WA,

·       An envelope addressed to Bob Sivigny from  Christian Renewal Association (Rita Bennett) which contains:

o   Emotionally Free Newsletter, Spring/Summer, 2012 (an article by Rita Bennett concerning her receiving an honorary degree from ORU),

o   A flyer about her seminars in July 2012;

o   An order form and an envelope with return address.

·       An article "Overcoming Our Failures by Confession & Soul Restoration" by Rita Bennett in Edmonds Beacon, December 3, 2009;

·       An article "Only One Person Can Separate You From the Love of God.  You . . ." by Rita Bennett in Edmonds Beacon, January 14, 2010

·       Dennis Bennett's photo (printed in color on a white paper) 

3 Audio Tapes (Added by Bob Sivigny July 28, 2012)

·       Titles: "Headship & Unity" by the Reverend Everett L. Fullam; 

·       "Hosea: When Life Teaches Us Lessons" by the Reverend Everett L. Fullam;

·       "A Text Oft Repeated" by the Reverend Everett L. Fullam 

1 Audio Cassette binder (Added by Bob Sivigny July 28, 2012)

"Healing of the Whole Person Seminar on Tape with Dennis and Rita Bennett-- 5 tapes: "Testimony--Wholeness: Part of the Normal Christian" by Dennis Bennett;

 "Teaching on Trinity of Man" by Dennis Bennett;

"How to Pray for the Release of the Spirit" by Dennis Bennett;

"Your Heavenly Father Loves You and Wants You Whole" by Dennis Bennett;

 "The Kingdom of Heaven is at Hand" by Dennis Bennett

(three slots are empty in the binder) 

 1 Sermon      

·       Title: "I Still Believe in Pentecost for Today" by Rita Bennett -- preached on Pentecost Sunday, 05-23-10 at St. Luke’s    

Commencement program     

·       Oral Roberts University's commencement program, May 5, 2012 where Rita Bennett was conferred "Doctor of Letters" degree and Dennis Bennett was conferred "Doctor of Divinity" degree (posthumous).   



1.      Dennis’ seminary graduation hood worn at the University of Chicago, School of Theology’s commencement ceremony.

2.      Dennis’ Doctor of Divinity hood, certificate, and commencement program from ORU, May 2012.

3.      Nine O’clock in the Morning in 14 languages:

            American English










            Malayalam (India)





Note other Languages missing are English, Portuguese, and Swahili editions.

4.     1960 (October) edition of Full Gospel Men’s Voice magazine with Dennis on the cover (7 copies).