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Primo Discovery

Check out our enhanced platform!

Primo is here!  You can access this powerful, innovative tool from the Library homepage or at this link.  We're excited to meet all of your scholarly needs in one convenient location!

Extend Your Session Time

The June (2023) release of Primo reduced the default session time per login for privacy reasons.

To opt-in to the longer session period (up to seven days),

  • sign in as usual if needed 

  • once signed in, click the button in the top right corner where your name is displayed
  • in the menu that opens, select 'My Personal details and settings'

  • on the following page, look in the right column and enable 'Automatically extend my session'

  • (to make the change stick) click on your name again and 'SIGN OUT' then return to Primo and sign in as usual


A Quick Overview

Expired Links

Any saved URLs that say '' or '' were phased out after September 1, 2022.