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Scholarship Impact

Every year, law librarians assist with compiling the Law Faculty Citation Report, which provides information about each faculty member's publications, citations, and other visibility metrics, enabling the Law School to track its scholarly impact. 

Law Library and Law School faculty also work together to develop strategies for producing and promoting scholarship in ways that maximize readership, citations, and awareness. Most recently, the Law Library helped develop a plan to highlight new and current-events-relevant faculty scholarship with students, alumni, and social media followers. We keep the law faculty apprised of the latest-and-greatest platforms for publicizing scholarship, including developments in open access, and assist with maintaining complete and correct scholarly profiles. 

Law Library liaisons also update their assigned faculty member regarding changes and interesting developments in the professor's field of expertise. We invite the law faculty to collaborate on collection development so that our resources optimally support their needs and interests. 

Scholarship Highlights

2019 Impact Highlights

  • The Law Faculty published 17 articles, books, and book chapters, among numerous other pieces.
  • Law Faculty scholarship was newly cited almost 400 times by articles, treatises, codes, and cases. 
  • Law Faculty scholarship was downloaded over 8,500 times from SSRN alone! 

Maximizing Scholarship Impact

The Law Library helps you maximize the impact of your publications by leveraging its expertise to develop aggressive publication and promotion strategies in coordination with the Law School's External Engagement Committee. Our dedication to remaining responsive to the ever-changing nature of media and your audience helps make your work accessible and its influence documentable. We strongly encourage all publishing faculty to consider these guidelines when publishing:

  • Author Profiles - Set up complete and accurate electronic author profiles (we can help!)
  • Open Access/Free Resources - Pre-prints and working papers should be posted in databases like SSRN and LawArXiv. 
  • Work Smarter, Not Harder - We know, publishing takes a lot of your precious time! When you put in that much effort, you want it to be worth it. Focus on publishing things the legal community wants to read and making sure your work is accessible! Publish on current events or recent legal developments. Make sure titles and abstracts include topical terms that are likely to show up in key word searches. Leverage your law library liaisons for help with research and dissemination.
    • Note: While tenured faculty or those seeking tenure are especially encouraged to publish law journal articles and monographs, all faculty should try to contribute to other publication types such as "blawgs" or a monthly bar journal. While they don't count toward rankings, these media often have greater readership, and they are much more manageable in terms of the time commitment necessary. 
  • Regent Events - If you have a work in progress or recent publication, plan to participate in an upcoming Law Faculty Colloquium or book launch. 
  • Social Media Presence - In addition to providing information about recent works for inclusion in internal scholarship updates, also provide information about any new publications (formal or informal) as well as presentations, interviews, or events in which you participate in your capacity as a Regent Law professor to the directors of the law school and/or law library social media. This creates opportunities for us to highlight your formal scholarship as well.


Law Faculty Colloquium Series


The Faculty Colloquium Series is a biannual seminar series sponsored by the Law Library, and is a core part of this vibrant intellectual community. Regent Law faculty are invited to present their recent or in-progress scholarship to the rest of the faculty and student body. This creates an opportunity for discussion and collaboration. 

Legal Writing Tools

Scholarship Submissions

Submit to potential publishers using ExpressO or Scholastica. Click below to access these sites. If you need assistance with scholarship submissions, contact your Liaision.




Database Help

The Law Library is able to assist law faculty with creating and maintaining electronic scholarly profiles on SSRN, Hein, Google Scholar, Research Gate, and more! Contact us with any questions or to set up an individual appointment. 

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