1888 - Nov 1959 (1044-6613) picks up Dec 1959 - 1994 (0027-9358).
Go to ProQuest Central for full-text starting Sep 2001 - to present (3 mo. delay).
To learn what is being discussed in our culture or find current events & opinions, "popular press" articles are where it's at. Use Google to look up your topic just to see what pops up, and also use Google to search for the name of a publication (such as those suggested below) plus your topic.
Try opinion, feature, & news articles in publications like National Review, Wall Street Journal, The Atlantic, The New York Times, Reason, and Psychology Today for political and cultural issues.
It's important to try different perspectives. For example, National Review is conservative while Reason is libertarian and The Atlantic is progressive. Google will often emphasize certain political perspectives, which is why it's helpful to search by publication title plus your topic to ensure you get different perspectives.
For Christian perspectives & issues, try magazines online: First Things, Christianity Today, Relevant, The Gospel Coalition, Charisma, and Christ & Pop Culture.
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