This page provides resources about copyright law.
To access the below resources on WestlawNext, just click the link, enter your WestlawNext user ID and password, and you will be directly sent to the resource or title.
Just click the link and you will be prompted for your user ID and password to BloombergLaw. Once you login, you will be taken directly to the database.
Unfortunately there is no means to directly connect to any of the below resources on Lexis Advance. To get to the below resources:
The below titles are located in our Law Library. These titles provide a selection of topics under copyright law, but are by no means exhaustive of the titles we have on this topic. For more titles, use the online catalog. Click the date link near the top of the screen. It will automatically arrange the results from newest to oldest.
To isolate the titles by location in the Law Library general collection, do the following:
CAVEAT: This search will only narrow to the law general collection and will leave out any selections from our special collections.
For more instruction on using the catalog, please contact me at or at x4098.