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Regent University
Patron Services
Links to Frequently Requested Information
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Links to Frequently Requested Information
Bookstore, Interlibrary Loan (books, articles the library doesn't have) Student Advising, Writing Lab, IT Resouces (Office 365)
Links to other sites
I need resources the library doesn't have
Fulfillment Services (ILL) - a free Library to Library service that sources unavailable materials
I have a question about my course(s)
Office of Advising ~ academic, financial & student resources
I need help with writing & citation
Writing Lab: | 757.352.4925
How do I download Microsoft Word, & other software for free as a student or employee?
MS Office 365 and others at no cost!
I want to schedule an appointment with a librarian
Select "Univ Library" from the list. We use the same scheduler as "success coaching" & "writing lab"
What textbooks are required for my classes?
Online bookstore ~ BNC Services (formerly MBS Direct)
I need more support; can I get a tutor or a coach? | 757.352.4906 | 757.352.4641