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Faculty Scholarship Showcase

Books & articles by Regent professors

Fall 2020 Publications

College of Arts and Sciences

Baugus, B. and Bose, F. (2020). “Comic-Econ: Using Amar Chitra Katha Comics to Teach Economics.” Journal for Economic Educators, Vol. 20 No. 1.

Bucci, J.J. (2020, August 30). “The ‘Callout’ Culture is Un-Christian – But Not for the Reason You Think.” LinkedIn [Web Blog Post]. Retrieved from

Bucci, J.J. September 2020. Guest expert in virtual program: “The Fervent Four Show,” designed to support entrepreneurial business growth. Online.

Choi, Y.B. and Wenner, T. (2020). “The Rise of Industrial Espionage and How to Prevent It.” International Journal of Cyber Research and Education, (2) 2 2, 9-16. DOI: 10.4018/IJCRE.2020070102

Choi, Y.B. (2020, October). “A Call That Changed My Life.” KAUPA Letters: Journal of the Korean American University Professors Association, (8) 1, pages. Korean American University Professors Association (KAUPA).

Choi, Y.B. (2020, August). “Ten Ways to Foster Creativity.” KAUPA Letters: Journal of the Korean American University Professors Association, vol (no), 2020-5. Korean American University Professors Association (KAUPA).

Choi, Y.B. (2020, June). “22 Years of Sleeping in Provence.” KAUPA Newsletter, 2020-4. Korean American University Professors Association (KAUPA).

Choi, Y.B. (2020, April). “Social Media and Lifelong Education.” KAUPA Newsletter, 2020-3. Korean American University Professors Association (KAUPA).

Choi, Y.B. (2020, March). “The Age of Technical Dependency and Greediness.” KAUPA Newsletter, 2020-2. Korean American University Professors Association (KAUPA).

Dimler, L. M. and Natsuaki, M. N. Trajectories of violent and nonviolent behaviors from adolescence to early adulthood: Does early puberty matter, and, if so, how long? Journal of Adolescent Health (68) 3, 523-531.

Dimler, L. (2020, March). Contributor. The Home Team Podcast: Episode 16: “Parenting Solo.”

Henderson, J. (2020). Book Chapter: “Justification and Transformation as a Better Model than TheĊsis. Chapter 12 in The Holy Spirit and the Reformation Legacy. Mark Cartledge and Mark Jumper, eds. San Jose, CA: Pickwick Publications.

Joyner, D. (2020). Using Excel to Demonstrate Time Value of Money Concepts. Review of Business and Technology Research, 17 (1), 25-32.

Manjikian, M. (2019). The child soldier in history. In S. N. Romaniuk, M. Thapa & P. Marton (2019). The Palgrave encyclopedia of global security studies. Palgrave Macmillan.

Manjikian, M. (2020). “Those Clowns Out at Langley: A Theory of Trust between the Intelligence Community and the President.” International Journal of Intelligence and Counterintelligence. Routledge. DOI: 10.1080/08850607.2020.1780084

Pevarnik, M. (2020, June). Walking by Faith and Wearing a Mask – Articles. Retrieved September 24, 2020, from

Schwarzwalder, R. (2020). C.S. Lewis as Christian political philosopher: the politics of skepticism and liberty. The Evangelical Review of Theology and Politics, 8, 2020.,_lewis-politics.pdf.

Wallace, D. (2020). Theodicy and the Cross of Christ: A New Testament Inquiry, by Tom Holmen. Bulletin of Biblical Research 30(1), 167-68.

College of Health and Behavioral Sciences

Compton, L. and Schoeneberg, C. (2021). Preparing for trauma work in clinical mental health: A workbook to enhance self-awareness and promote safe, competent practice. Routledge.

Fielder, M. and Compton, L. (2020, August). Encountering and addressing racism as a multiracial counselor. Counseling Today, 63 (2) 42-47.

Knabb, J. J., Johnson, E., and Garzon, F. (2020). Introduction to the special issue: Meditation, prayer, and contemplation in the Christian tradition; Towards the operationalization and clinical application of Christian practices in psychotherapy and counseling. Journal of Psychology and Christianity, 39(1), 12-23.

Wilder, J., Garzon, F., and Johnson, E. (2020). A Christian multi-modal approach to therapy utilizing inner healing prayer: the life model. Journal of Psychology and Christianity. 39(1), 49-64.

Johnson, E., Knabb, J., and Garzon, F. (2020). Conclusion to the special issue: Formalizing Christian indigenous practices for evidence-based research. Journal of Psychology and Christianity, 39(1), 75-85.

Nelson, J., and Holland, D. (2021). Active shooter lockdown practice. In J. Nelson, and L. Wines, Responding to critical cases in school counseling: Building on theory, standards, and experience for optimal interventions (pp. 209-215). New York, NY: Routledge.

Holland, D., and Holland, J. (2021). A school shooting. In J. Nelson, and L. Wines, Responding to Critical Cases in School Counseling: Building on Theory, Standards, and Experience for Optimal Interventions (pp. 216-223).  Routledge.

Holland, D. (2020, March 15) [CBN News]. Anxiety and COVID-19. CBN News interview. [Video]. YouTube.

Holland, D. (Host). (2020, March). Wave Church podcast series: Fear and anxiety.[Video]. Public Presentation.

Ord, A. S., Miskey, H. M., Lad, S., Richter, B., Nagy, K., and Shura, R. D. (2020). Examining embedded validity indicators in Conners Continuous Performance Test-3 (CPT-3). The Clinical Neuropsychologist. Advance online publication. 1751301

Ord, A. S., Stranahan, K. R., Hurley, R. A., and Taber, K. H. (2020). Stress-Related growth: Building a more resilient brain. Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, 32(2), 207-212.

Shura, R. D., Epstein, E. L., Ord, A. S., Martindale, S. L., Rowland, J. A., Brearly, T. W., and Taber, K. H. (2020). Relationship between intelligence and posttraumatic stress disorder in veterans. Intelligence, 82, 101472-101479.

Martindale, S. L., Ord, A. S., and Rowland, J. A. (2020). Influence of blast exposure on cognitive functioning in combat veterans. Neuropsychology. Advance online publication.

Shura, R. D., Ord, A. S., Martindale, S. L., Miskey, H. M., and Taber, K. H. (2020). Test of premorbid functioning: You’re doing it wrong, but does it matter? Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology. Advance online publication.

Ord, A. S., Lad, S., Shura, R. D., Rowland, J. A., Taber, K. H., and Martindale, S. L. (2020). Pain interference and quality of life in combat veterans: Examining the roles of posttraumatic stress disorder, traumatic brain injury, and sleep quality. Rehabilitation Psychology. Advance online publication.

Trent, F. A., Dwiwardani, C., and Page, C. D. (2020, May). Factors impacting the retention of ethnic minority students in graduate programs: A qualitative study. Training and Education in Professional Psychology.

Ryan, A. P., & Ripley, J. (2021). Factors contributing to posttraumatic growth following bereavement. Omega: Journal of Death and Dying, 3022282110515–302228211051528.

Ripley, J. S., Sells, J. N., Miller, V., Wang, Q., Wen, L., Lau, C. P. T., & Worthington, E. L., Jr. (2020). Promoting healthy marriages in Chinese church communities: Survey of Chinese couples’ marriages, virtue-based training for leaders, and outcomes. The Family Journal, 28(3), 319–328.

Neff, M.A., Peterson, M.A., McMinn, M.R., Kuhnhausen, B.A., Dunkerley, J., Tisdale, T.C., Strewn, B., Davis, E.B., Worthington, E.L., Jr., Hall, M.E.L., and Ripley, J.S. (2020). Re-imagining Integration: Student and faculty perspectives on integration training at Christian doctoral programs. Journal of Psychology and Theology, 1-20.

School of Communication and the Arts

Brown, W. J., & Keeler, J. (2020). Completing your doctoral dissertation and degree. Brown, Fraser, and Associates: Amazon Kindle and Amazon Publishing.

Brown, W. J. (2020). Significant. Ambassador International Publishing Co.

Larson, J. (2020). [Review of the book A Light So Lovely: The Spiritual Legacy of Madeleine L’Engle, by Sarah Arthur, and: Conversations with Madeleine L’Engle ed. by Jackie C. Horne]. Christianity & Literature 69(3), 489-492.

Mattix, M. (2020). The sixties survive [Review of The Sixties Survive]. American Conservative, 19(2), 49–51.

Perry, S. D. (2020, September). Revisiting the Theology of Exploration in Times of Disorder. Providence.

School of Divinity

Adams, S. (2020). “Prayer in Johannine Perspective: An Analysis of Prayer in the Farewell Discourse and 1 John,” Neotestamentica, 54(1), 105 – 128.

Adams, S. (2020). Prayer in John’s Farewell Discourse: An Exegetical Investigation. Pickwick Publications.

September 2020. Interview for Israel Collective podcast. Retrieved: podcasts/israel-collective/sabbath-dr-corn%C3%A9-bekker-goT1CO2AGyL/.

Bekker, C.J. (2020). Review of A Postcolonial Leadership: Asian Immigrant Christian Leadership and its Challenges. Theology of Leadership Journal, 3(1), 98-100.

Bekker, C.J. (2020). Faith and Reason: A Biblical Response to the Dangers of Process Theology. Impact, 44(4), 26-28.

Crabtree, M.L. (2020). Re-forming Formative Spirituality in the Matrix of the Protestant Reformation. In M. Cartledge and M. Jumper. (Eds.), The Holy Spirit and the Reformation Legacy (pp. 68-84). Wipf and Stock.

Crabtree, M.L. (2020, July). “The Enduring Authority of the Bible in the Twenty-first Century.” Panel presentation at Virtual Ph.D. Residency. Regent University School of Divinity. Online.

Crabtree, M.L. (2020, May). “Healing Hands: Ministering to the Sick as a Catalyst for Revival.” Panelist for Webinar. Regent University School of Divinity. Online.

Crabtree, M.L. (2020, March/April). “Committed to Prayer.” Sharing: A Journal of Christian Healing. Vol.88, No. 2. OSL. San Antonio, TX.

Gilbert, D.B. (2020). Calvin, the Gifts, and Prophecy. In M. Cartledge and M. Jumper. (Eds.), The Holy Spirit and the Reformation Legacy (pp. 186-204). Wipf and Stock.

Cartledge, M.J. and Jumper, M.A., eds. (2020). The Holy Spirit and the Reformation Legacy. Pickwick Publications.

N.D. “Reading and Interpreting the Bible as Canon.” Ph.D. Research Panel. Regent University School of Divinity. Virginia Beach, VA.

Story, J.L. (2020). Purpose, Meaning, Joy and Fulfillment at Work. In Dhiman, S. (Ed.) The Palgrave Handbook of Workplace Well-Being (pp. 1-33). Palgrave Macmillan.

School of Education

Yaeger, J. L., & Grrooms, L. D. (2020). Are E-Texts the Future of Distance Education? Investigating Online Students’ Open Resource Preferences. Journal of Educators Online17(2), 188–199.

School of Law

Jeffrey A. Brauch, Reflections on Integrating Faith and Law, 3 RELIGIO ET LEX 51 (2020).

BRUCE N. CAMERON, UNDERSTANDING EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION (Carolina Academic Press, 3d. ed. 2021) (co-authored with Thomas R. Haggard).

Brief for Robert P. Roesser and The National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation, Inc. as Amici Curiae Supporting Petitioner, Dalberiste v. GLE Associates, No. 19-1461 (U.S. Aug. 2020) (attempting to expand protections for religious employees by limiting the undue hardship defense).

Brief Amici Curiae of the National Jewish Commission On Law and Public Affairs et. al. as Amici Curaie Supporting Petitioners,
Fulton v. City of Philadelphia, 141 S.Ct. 1868 (2021) (No. 19-123), 2020 WL 3078493

Eric A. DeGroff, CHEM. WASTE LITIG. REP., Vol. 79, No. 4 - Vol. 79, No. 6 (March – May 2020) (managing editor and contributing author).


Janis L. Kirkland, CHEM. WASTE LITIG. REP., Vol. 79, No. 5 (April 2020) (contributing author).

Janis L. Kirkland, EPA ADMIN. L. REP., Vol. 55, No. 4 (April 2020) (contributing author).

Why the Supreme Court Makeup Matters Beyond Abortion, CHRISTIANITY TODAY (Sept. 24, 2020) (contributing author)

Bradley J. Lingo, Preserving a Constitution Designed for a Moral and Religious People, REGENT CENTER FOR CHRISTIAN THOUGHT AND ACTION (Aug. 3, 2020) (coauthored with Mark D. Martin & and Michael J. Schietzelt).

Brief of Sen. Daniel Coats and Rep. David Weldon as Amici Curiae Supporting Defendants-Appellants, NY v. HHS, No. 19-4254 (2d Cir. May 2020).

Brief of The Robertson Center for Constitutional Law as Amici Curiae Supporting Petitioners, Fulton v. City of Philadelphia, No. 19-123 (U.S. June 2020).


Robertson School of Government

Blind politics with Dr. A.J. Nolte. Weekly podcast with over 50 episodes.

LiVecche, M. & Patterson, E., Eds. (2020). Responsibility and restraint: The just war scholarship of James Turner Johnson. Stone Tower Press.

Patterson, E. (2020, September). Eight principles for Christian realism.” Providence Magazine.

Joustra, R. & Patterson, E., Eds. (Forthcoming, 2021). Christian realism for terrifying times. Wipf and Stock.

Patterson, E. (2020, June). Why we need religious freedom for all: An appeal and invitation to the Church. [Review of Free to Believe by Luke Goodrich. Providence Magazine.

Patterson, E. (2020, June). Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Measured, people-power approach.” The Christian Post.

School of Business and Leadership

Firestone, S. (2020). Biblical principles of crisis leadership: The role of spirituality in organizational response. Springer International Publishing AG.

Root, A. (2020, March 8) Use coronavirus volatility to save social security: Recommended public policy action based on the positive spread of U.S. stock dividend yields over the cost of long-term U.S borrowing. LinkedIn.

Root, A. (2020, March 19) Hell is not coming: Expectations for future U.S. stock returns following a steep decline. LinkedIn

Shannon, Buford, M., Winston, B. E., & Wood, J. A. (2020). Trigger events and crucibles in authentic leaders’ development. The Journal of Management Development, 39(3), 324–333.