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Faculty Scholarship Showcase

Books & articles by Regent professors

Spring 2021 Publications

College of Arts and Sciences

Reid, K., Ladeji-Osias, J. K., Beauchamp, C., Dalal, M., Griesinger, T., and Eagle, E. E. (2020). Design by thread: The E4USA engineering for us all curriculum. Proceedings – Frontiers in Education, 1-6.

Bucci, J.J. (2020). Desiring a better country. LinkedIn [Blog Post].

Dimler, L. M. and Natsuaki, M. N. (2020). Trajectories of violent and nonviolent behaviors from adolescence to early adulthood: Does early puberty matter, and, if so, how long? Journal of Adolescent Health, 68, 523-531. doi: 10.1016/j.jadohealth.2020.06.034

Rovai, A.P., Ponton, M.K., Derrick, M.G., Wiggers, N.R., and Flannagan, J.S. (2020). An exploration of attitudinal and situational factors related to intrinsic motivation and autonomy in teacher education students. International Journal of Education, 12(1), 99- 117.

Hitchcock, D.F.A. (2020). Mentor couples improve parenting class outcomes. The Chronicle of Mentoring and Coaching, 4(1), 181-185.

Chilton, B.S. and King, S.M. (2020). Constitutional conscience and plural ethical directionality. Public Integrity. DOI: 10.1080/10999922.2020.1838131.

Koev, D. (2021). Ethnic minority party formation and success in Europe. East European Politics, 1-18. Doi: 10.1080/21599165.2021.1895116.

Romaniuk, S. & Manjikian, M. (Eds). (2021). Routledge companion to global cybersecurity. Routledge.

Wallace, D. (2020). Friendship in Philemon. Bulletin of Biblical Research 30(4), 561-82.

Wallace, D. (2020). Romans ‘chains’ as gospel triumph (Phil. 1:12-18). American Journal of Advanced Research (4)2, 12-17.

College of Health and Behavioral Sciences

Gregory, S. D., Newmeyer, M., Baum, L. J., & Lichi, D. A. (2021). Marital distress in missionaries as measured by the MMPI-2-RF Interpersonal Scales. Journal of Psychology and Theology, 49(4), 374-386.

Jones, T. L., Garzon, F. L., & Ford, K. M. (2021). Christian accommodative mindfulness in the clinical treatment of shame, depression, and anxiety: Results of an N-of-1 time-series study. Spirituality in Clinical Practice.

Hathaway, W. L. (2021). An examination of two biblical cases for one approach to the sufficiency of scripture. Journal of Psychology and Theology49(3), 209-217.

Hathaway, W.L. (2021) Embodied dualism and christian anthropology. In M.L. Gil, M.A. Segura & M.F. Echavarria (Eds.), Antropolgia Cristiana y Ciencias de la Salud Mental (pp.293-304). Dykinson, S.L.

Hathaway, W. L. (2021). Integration, biblical counseling, and hermeneutics. Journal of Psychology and Theology49(3), 257-267.

Hathaway, W. L. (2021). Introduction: Sufficiency of scripture. Journal of Psychology and Theology49(3), 207-208.

Jones, H. C., Rowan, A., Stephens, R. L., & Brauch, J. A. (2021). In faith and practice: How Christian doctoral programs address religious diversity needs. Christian Higher Education, 20(1-2), 87-103.

Kent, Runyan, H., Savinsky, D., & Knight, J. (2020). Mentoring doctoral student mothers in counselor education: A phenomenological study. The Professional Counselor, 10(4), 532–547.

Kent, Runyan, H., Savinsky, D., & Knight, J. (2020). Mentoring doctoral student mothers in counselor education: A phenomenological study. The Professional Counselor,  10(4), 532–547.

Sautter, Ord, A. S., Azher, A., Chidester, A., & Aravich, P. F. (2021). Benefits of computer engagement in older adults with dementia. Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine, 7: 1-11

Martindale, S. L., Ord, A. S., Lad, S. S., Miskey, H. M., Taber, K. H., & Rowland, J. A. (2021). Differential effects of deployment and non-deployment mild TBI on neuropsychological outcomes. Rehabilitation psychology, 66(2), 128.

Ord, Shura, R. D., Curtiss, G., Armistead-Jehle, P., Vanderploeg, R. D., Bowles, A. O., Kennedy, J. E., Tate, D. F., & Cooper, D. B. (2021). Number of Concussions Does Not Affect Treatment Response to Cognitive Rehabilitation Interventions Following Mild TBI in Military Service Members. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 36(5), 850–856.

Martindale, Lad, S. S., Ord, A. S., Nagy, K. A., Crawford, C. D., Taber, K. H., & Rowland, J. A. (2021). Sleep moderates symptom experience in combat veterans. Journal of Affective Disorders, 282, 236–241.

Martindale, Shura, R. D., Ord, A. S., Williams, A. M., Brearly, T. W., Miskey, H. M., & Rowland, J. A. (2022). Symptom burden, validity, and cognitive performance in Iraq and Afghanistan veterans [Data set]. Taylor & Francis.

Jones, Rowan, A., Stephens, R. L., & Brauch, J. A. (2021). In faith and practice: How Christian doctoral programs address religious diversity needs. Christian Higher Education, 20 (1-2), 87–103.

Rowan, Grove, J., Solfelt, L., & Magnante, A. (2020). Reducing the impacts of mental health stigma through integrated primary care: An examination of the evidence. Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings, 28(4), 679–693.

Kent, Runyan, H., Savinsky, D., & Knight, J. (2020). Mentoring doctoral student mothers in Ccunselor education: A phenomenological study. The Professional Counselor, 10(4), 532–547.

Jones, Rowan, A., Stephens, R. L., & Brauch, J. A. (2021). In faith and practice: How christian doctoral programs address religious diversity needs. Christian Higher Education, 20(1-2), 87–103.

School of Communication and the Arts

Khoo, F., & Brown, W. J. (2021). Innocence killed: Role of propaganda videos in the recruitment of children of the islamic state of iraq and syria. Journal of International Communication, 27(1), 79-105.

Brown, W. J. (2020). Involvement with media personae and entertainment experiences. In C. Klimmt and P. Vorderer (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Entertainment Theory (pp. 285- 304). Oxford University Press.

Brown, & Keeler, J. D. (2020). Completing your doctoral dissertation and degree: A comprehensive guide for a successful journey. Brown, Fraser & Associates.

Larson, J. (2021). Spenserian Moments by Gordon Teskey (review) [Review of Spenserian Moments by Gordon Teskey (review)]. Christianity & Literature, 70(1), 86–89. Johns Hopkins University Press.

Mattix, M. (2021, January 30). E.E. Cummings in love and at war. [Review of the book The Beauty of Living: E.E. Cummings and the Great War, by J. Alison Rosenblitt]. The American Conservative,

Mattix. M. (2020). The example of Prussian nights. In D. Deaval and J. H. Wilson (Eds.), Solzhenitsyn and American culture: The Russian soul in the west (pp. 171-182). Notre Dame University Press.

School of Divinity                  

Adams, S.L. (2020). An Examination of Prayer in 3 John 2 and the Farewell Discourse in Light of the Mission of God. Neotestamentica, 54(2) 187 - 207.

Adams, S.L. (2020, November). The Power of a Part-Time Call. Didaktikos. Journal of Theological Education. 4(2).

Chandler, D. J. (2020, Fall). Spiritual Formation: Race, Racism, and Racial Reconciliation, Journal of Spiritual Formation and Soul Care, 13(2), 156-175.

Crabtree, M.L. (2020, November/December). The Healing Streams of Gratitude. Sharing: A Journal of Christian Healing 88(4).

Crabtree, M.L. (2020, October). Re-forming Formative Spirituality in the Matrix of the Protestant Reformation. In M. Cartledge & M. Jumper (Eds.) The Holy Spirit and the Reformation Legacy. Wipf and Stock Publishers.

Kame, Greg. (2021). Predestination: An Introduction to Reformed Soteriology. Resource Publications.

Story, J.L. (2020, Fall). A Caring Presence in Online Education. Didaktikos.

Story, J.L. (2021). Purpose, Meaning, Joy, and Fulfillment at Work. In S. Dhiman (Ed.) The Palgrave Handbook of Workplace Well-Being. Palgrave MacMillan (2021).

School of Education

Bocarnea, Winston, B. E., & Dean, D. (2021). Introduction to Machine Learning as a New Methodological Framework for Performance Assessment. In Handbook of Research on Advancements in Organizational Data Collection and Measurements: Strategies for Addressing Attitudes, Beliefs, and Behaviors (pp. 326–342). IGI Global.

Ponton, Michael K. (2020). An Exploratory Study of the University of Oxford
Tutorial Method Regarding Its Relationship to Learner
Autonomy. Global Journal of Educational Studies, 6(2), 10–17.

Reid-Martinez, K., and Grooms, L. D. (2021). “Constructivism in 21st Century Online Learning.” In M. Khosrow-Pour (Ed.), Handbook of Research on Modern Educational Technologies, Applications, and Management (pp. 730-743). IGI Global.

Grooms. (2021). Distance Learning From Itinerant Teachers to Cloud Based Technologies. In Handbook of Research on Modern Educational Technologies, Applications, and Management (pp. 855–869).

Page, K. A., and Grooms, L. D. (2020, September). Educator Attitude and Servant Leadership: A Positive Combination for Students with Disabilities. Journal of Education and Social Policy, 7(3), 98-107.

Jiuhan HUANG, & NISBET, D. (2020). Student Perceptions of Task-Based Language Teaching in Chinese High Schools. Asian Journal of English Language Teaching, 29, 51–76.

Jiuhan HUANG, & NISBET, D. (2020). Student Perceptions of Task-Based Language Teaching in Chinese High Schools. Asian Journal of English Language Teaching, 29, , 51–76.

School of Law

Jeffrey A. Brauch, In Faith and Practice: How Christian Doctoral Programs Address Religious Diversity Needs, 20 Christian Higher Education, 1-2, 87-103 (2021) (co-authored with Hannah C. Jones, Anderson Rowan, and Rachel L. Stephens).

Marie Summerlin Hamm, Courts and Case Law, in A GUIDE TO LEGAL RESEARCH IN VIRGINIA (Virginia CLE Publications, 9th ed., 2021).

Marie Summerlin Hamm, COVID-19 Implications for Construction Law:  A Force (Majeure) to be Reckoned With? 69 VA. LAWYER 44 (April 2021).

Michael V. Hernandez, REAL ESTATE CLOSINGS in VIRGINIA PRACTICE SERIES (2021-2022 ed.) (coauthored with W. Wade Berryhill).

Designer Babies: Are Test Tubes and Microbes Replacing Romance? in DESIGNER BABIES AND GENE EDITING: ARE WE READY FOR THIS? (Scholars Press 2019).

Bradley J Lingo, Fulton and the Future of Free Exercise, 33 REGENT U. L. REV. 5 (2020) (coauthored with Michael Schietzelt).

Bradley J. Lingo, A Center Dedicated to Preserving a Constitution Designed for a Moral and Religious People, Regent U. L. Rev. 1 (2020) (coauthored with Mark D. Martin & Michael Schietzelt).

S. Ernie Walton, Protecting Sex Trafficking Victims Through Expungement and Vacatur Statutes: Will Virginia Join the Rest of the Nation?, 6 REGENT J. GLOB. JUST. & PUB. POL'Y 95 (2020).

Robertson School of Government

Charles, J.D. & Patterson, E. (Eds.) (2022). Just war and Christian traditions. University of Notre Dame Press.

Patterson, E. (2020, October). Jonathan Mayhew: Colonial pastor against tyranny. Providence: A Journal of Christianity and American Foreign Policy.

Blessing, R. & Patterson, E. (2020, November). America’s theological social contract: The Mayflower Compact. Providence: A Journal of Christianity and American Foreign Policy.

Patterson, E. (2021, January). Martin Luther King Jr. on power and love. Providence: A Journal of Christianity and American Foreign Policy.

Patterson, E. (2021, January). “Religious freedom and democracy a decade after the Arab spring. Providence: A Journal of Christianity and American Foreign Policy.

School of Business and Leadership

Koshal, J. and Patterson, K. (2020). A Kenyan on servant leadership: Harambee and Service. In P. Matthew, J. Song, S. Ferch, and L. Spears (Eds.), Global servant leadership: Wisdom, love, and legitimate power in the age of chaos. Lexington Books.

Mulford, J., and Root, A. (2020). Reflections on the COVID-19 crisis – Lessons from transitioning MBA Finance and Economics classes online.” Transnational Journal of Business.

Root, A., & Yung, K. (2022). Resolving agency and product market views of cash holdings. Research in International Business and Finance, 59, 101518–.

Root, A. (2021). Editor. International Corporate Governance Society. ICGS Newsletter, 7[1].

Winston, B. E. (2021). In Winston B. E. (Ed.), Transparent and authentic leadership: From biblical principles to contemporary practices. Palgrave Macmillan.

Akhilele, S., Buford, M., Shannon, M. R., & Winston, B. E. (2021). The role of organizational support in followership skills development. International Leadership Journal, 13(1), 3–16.