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Faculty Scholarship Showcase

Books & articles by Regent professors

Spring 2022 Publications

College of Arts and Sciences

Baugus, B. (2022). An economic theory of homeschooling. Lexington Books.

Bucci, J.J., and Lewis, P. (2021). Servant leadership grounded in redemption: The example of Jesus serving others by “redemptive actions.” In: Dhiman, S. (Ed.) The Palgrave handbook of servant leadership. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan.

Choi, Y.B. (2021). History of KSEA Letters, KSEA 50 Years, Korean American Scientists and Engineers in America (KSEA) History Committee. 105-106.

Choi, Y.B. (2022, February). [Review of King Sejong the Great]. KAUPA Letters: Journal of the Korean American University Professors Association 9 (3), 45-47.

Choi, Y.B. (2021, December). “The State of the Art of Telecommunications Service Management.” KAUPA Letters: Journal of the Korean American University Professors Association 9 (2).

Choi, Y.B. (2021, December). Review of East Goes West: The Making of Oriental Yankee. KAUPA Letters: Journal of the Korean American University Professors Association 9 (2), 68-72.

Choi, Y.B. (2021, October). 내마음의 韓詩: . KAUPA Letters: Journal of the Korean American University Professors Association 9 (1), 96-98.

Choi, Y.B. (2021). My Global Research Journey and KSEA: Telecommunications Service Management, KSEA 50 Years, Korean American Scientists and Engineers in America (KSEA) History Committee. 178-180.

Grimm, K. (2021). “‘Encroaching upon trade union preserves’: The 1950s fight over global labor norms between the international confederation of free trade unions and moral re-armament.” Labor History 62 (4), 489-510.

Keiser, T. and Duplisea, R. (2021). Principles of hermeneutics. Kendall Hunt.

Chilton, B.S. & King, S.M. (2022). Constitutional conscience and plural ethical directionality. Public Integrity, 24(1), 18-32.

Pi, J. (2021). When in sorrow…sings the song. Journal of the Korean American University Professors Association, 9(1), 51-53.

Reddinger, W. (2021). Ideas still have consequences. [Review of Religion and the American Revolution: An Imperial History, by K. Carté]. Law and Liberty, book-review/ideas-still-have-consequences/

Skiles, William, S. (2021). Reforming the church’s theology of the Jews: Christian responses to the Holocaust. In S. Brown and S. Smith (eds) Routledge handbook on religion and genocide. Routledge.

Skiles, William S. (2021). Reframing the sacred: Valkryie and the basis of resistance. Journal of Religion and Film, 25 (2), 1-38.

Tembo, R. (2021). The mechanism of chemoreception in fish under low pH condition. Journal of Environmental and Analytical Toxicology. 11 (6), 004.

Turnitsa, C., Blais, C., and Tolk, A. (2021). Simulation and wargaming. Wiley.

College of Health and Behavioral Sciences

Artis, C. (2022). Relationship wounds: A woman’s guide to emotional healing. (1st Edition). Kendall Hunt Publishing.

Garzon, F., Benitez-DeVilbiss, A., Turbessi, V, Offei Darko, Y.T., Berberena, N., Jens, A., Wray, K., Bourne, E., Keay, J., Jenks, J., Noble, C., and Artis, C. (2022). Christian accommodative mindfulness: Definition, current research, and group protocol. Religions, 13(1), p. 63-63.

Garzon, F. (2022). Research digest: Grace, repentance, and collective trauma. Christian Counseling Today, 25 (4).

Garzon, F. (2021). Research Digest: Christian meditation, religiosity’s relationship to volunteer service, and prayer types’ relationship with well-being. Christian Counseling Today, 25 (3).

Garzon, F., Benitez-DeVilbiss, A.J., Berberena, N., Jens, A., Jenks, J., Keay, J., Noble, C., Turbessi, V., Park, E., Wray, K., Yaa, O.D., Artis, C. (2022). Christian accommodative mindfulness: Definition, current research, and group protocol. Religions, 13(1),  p. 63-63.

Glover, C. (2021, December). How to have a restful holiday. Gottman Institute.

Glover, C. (2021, November). 5 Ways to Prevent Therapist Burnout. The Gottman Institute.

Nelson, J., and Holland, D. (2021). Active shooter lockdown Practice. In J. Nelson, and L. Wines, Responding to critical cases in school counseling: Building on theory, 53 standards, and experience for optimal interventions (pp. 209-215). Routledge.

Holland, D., and Holland, J. (2021). A school shooting. In J. Nelson, and L. Wines, Responding to Critical cases in school counseling: Building on theory, standards, and experience for optimal interventions (pp. 216-223). Routledge.

Holland, D., and Holland, J. (2021). A school shooting. In J. Nelson, and L. Wines, Responding to critical cases in school counseling: Building on theory, standards, and experience for optimal interventions (pages 216-223).  Routledge.

Kansiewicz, K., Sells, J., Holland, D., Lichi, D., and Newmeyer, M. (2022). Well-being and help-seeking among Assemblies of God ministers in the United States. Journal of Religion and Health. DOI: 10.1007/s10943-021-01488-z

Klemashevich, J. (2022). Narcissism as a predictor of spiritual maturity in evangelical seminary graduates. [Doctoral dissertation, New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary]. ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global.

Ripley, J., Solfelt, L., Ord, A., Garthe, R.C., Worthington Jr, E.L., and Channing, T. (2021). Short-and Long-Term outcomes of hope-focused couple therapy. Spirituality in clinical practice. Advance online publication.

Rowland, J.A., Stapleton-Kotloski, J.R., Martindale, S.L., Rogers, E.E., Ord, A.S., Godwin, D.W., and Taber, K.H. (2021). Alterations in the topology of functional connectomes are associated with post-traumatic stress disorder and blast-related mild traumatic brain injury in combat veterans. Journal of Neurotrauma, 38(22), 3086-3096.

Martindale, S.L., Ord, A.S., Rule, L.G., and Rowland, J.A. (2021). Effects of blast exposure on psychiatric and health symptoms in combat veterans. Journal of Psychiatric Research. 143,189-195.

Sells, J.N., Ripley, J.S., Frain, D., Urh, N., and Wray, K. (2022). The effectiveness of a virtue-based marital curriculum to enhance intimate partner relationality. Journal of Psychology and Christianity. 40(4), p.317-328

Sells, J.N., Ripley, J.S., Frain, D., Urh, N., and Wray, K. (2022). The effectiveness of a virtue-based marital curriculum to enhance intimate partner relationality. Journal of Psychology and Christianity. 40(4), p.317-328

Kansiewicz, K.M., Sells, J.N., Holland, D., Lichi, D., and Newmeyer, M. (2022). Well-being and help-seeking among Assemblies of God ministers in the USA. Journal of Religion and Health.  DOI: 10.1007/s10943-021-01488-z

Suggs, B.G., McLean, E.L., Flowers, L., and Sanderfer Stull, M. (2021). From the secret place: Racial trauma narratives. (May 2021). Counselors For Social Justice Newsletter pp. 12-16

School of Communication and the Arts

Ball, M., & Brown, W. J. (2022). Strategic Communication through Narration: How U.S. Marine Corps commandants still use story to inspire support. Marine Corps History, 7(2), 54–68.

Khoo, F. and Brown, W.J. (2021). “Innocence killed: Role of propaganda videos in the recruitment of the children of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria.” Journal of International Communication, 27(1), 79-105. DOI: 10.1080/13216597.2021.1879203.

Elam, M.D. (2021 (backdated to 2019)). Orpheus renewed: Abdication and poetic realization of Boethian admonition in Sir Orfeo.” Carmina Philosophiae, 28, 43-58.

Mattix, M. (2022, March). Hope: A literary history by Adam Potkay reviewed. The Spectator World.

Mattix, M. (2022, March). On receiving books in the mail. The Spectator World.

Mattix, M. (2022, March). How Arvo Pärt can help us through Lent. The Spectator World. How Arvo Pärt can help us through Lent.

Mattix, M. (2022, February) Pop music isn’t getting better – and that’s ok.” The Spectator World.

Mattix, M. (2022, February). Imagining Rimbaud. The Spectator World.

Mattix, M. (2022, February). We don’t need more literary magazines. The Spectator World.

Mattix, M. (2022, February). Working out isn’t so new after all. The Spectator World.

Mattix, M. (2022, January). The age of the media explainer.

Mattix, M. (2022, February). Picking a fight. Rev. of Why Argument Matters, by Lee Siegel. The Spectator World.

Mattix, M. (2022, January). The last conservative critic? The Spectator World.

Mattix, M. (2022, January). Writing and the conservative impulse. The Spectator World.

Mattix, M. (2022, January). The fifth head of Cerberus at 50. The Spectator World.

Mattix, M. (2021, December). Christmas in the south. The Spectator World.

Mattix, M. (2021, December). Saving Henry James’s Christmas ghost story from the critics. The Spectator World.

Mattix, M. (2021, December). How a small publisher survived the digital age. The Spectator World.

Mattix, M. (2021, November). The forgotten poetry of John Martin Finlay. The Spectator World.

Mattix, M. (2021, November). Why I didn’t start a substack. The Spectator World.

Mattix, M. (2021, November). Lionel Trilling against cancel culture. The Spectator World.

Perry, S.D., and Scott, J. (2022). A boondoggle in space: Themes in 1960s era space exploration coverage by the Saturday Evening Post. Artifact Analysis, 1(1), 68-91.

Fletcher, C., Perry, S.D., Eschler-Freudenrich, C., Powers, J., Khoo, F., Dunbar, B., Nyamwange, B., Besant, H., and Duckett, J. (2022). Education and debating social and political issues in the Naperville Lyceum. Artifact Analysis, 1(1), 1-21.

Perry, S.D. (2022, Winter). The longest serving TV program host steps down from The 700 Club. BEA History Division Newsletter, 1(2), 3-5. 584138248860552.

School of Divinity

Bekker, C.J. (N.D.). From Narcissism to Grace. In R. L. Huizing, Grace Leadership: A Biblical Perspective of Compassion in Management. Palgrave Macmillan Press.

Bekker, C.J. (N.D.). God’s Uncommon Choice: Living in the Sustaining Grace of Divine Providence. Impact 46(2).

Bekker, C.J. (2022, March). Foreword in A. Mekonnen. God of all nations: the end without end is theocracy. Kendall Hunt.

Chandler, D.J. (2022, February). [Translated into Farsi.] Christian Spiritual Formation: An Integrated Approach to Personal and Relational Wholeness. InterVarsity Academic.

Fretwell, M. (2022). Multiplying Jesus: Planting Churches. Kendall Hunt Publishing.

Fretwell, M. (2022). Multiplying Jesus: Missionary Preparedness. Kendall Hunt Publishing.

Fretwell, M. (2022). Multiplying Jesus: Revitalizing Churches. Kendall Hunt Publishing.

Jumper, M.A. (2021 November/December). Review of Fully Armored: Arthur Carl Piepkorn: Chaplain to the Greatest Generation by John Hannah. Touchstone: A Journal of Mere Christianity 34(6) 47.

Mekonnen, A. (2022). God of All Nations: The End Without End is Theocracy. Kendall Hunt.

Story, J.L. (2022, February). Paul and Servant Leadership. In G. Roberts (Ed.) Palgrave Handbook of Servant Leadership. Palgrave Macmillan.

Story, J.L. (2022, February). Jesus and Servant Leadership in the Gospels. In G. Roberts (Ed.) Palgrave Handbook of Servant Leadership. Palgrave Macmillan.

Story, J.L. (2022, February). Spiritual Transformation Can Happen—Even Online. Didaktikos. Faithlife.

Story, J.L. (2022, February). Education Needs Encouragement. Didaktikos. Faithlife.

Story, J.L. (2021, October). Christian Affections in Romans 8. Journal of Pentecostal Theology.           

School of Education

Bonney, S.M, and Finn, D.E (2021). Rising to the occasion: COABE’s responses and ongoing work through the COVID-19 pandemic. COABE Journal: The Resource for Adult Education, 10(2), 5-8.

Fortner, S., and Hanes, J. (2021, Fall). Adapting for Success: Traversing the Challenges of the Virtual Classroom. Impact. A Publication of Regent University.

Kreassig. K. (2022, July). School Facilities and Sustainable Practices: Calling all Principals and Assistant Principals. In R. Papa's (Ed.), Handbook on the Roads to Integrating Sustainability in School Leadership and Teacher Preparation Programs (in press). Springer Publishing.

Pittman, J.S. (2022, Spring). Strategies for Auxiliaries to Survive and Thrive after COVID. College Services. National Association of College Auxiliary Services (NACAS), 13- 15, 18.

School of Law

Bruce N.Cameron, The Empire Strikes Back, FULCRUM 7 (February 7, 2022).

Bruce N. Cameron, The Fat Lady and the Covid Song, FULCRUM 7 (December 7, 2021).

James J. Duane, The Bill Clinton Exception to the Hearsay Rule, 45 AM. J. TRIAL ADVOC. 55 (Fall 2021).

Marie Summerlin Hamm, Redefining Langdell’s Laboratory: The Law School Library’s Evolving Role in Supporting Legal Education, 70 VA. LAWYER 50 (Dec. 2021).

Louis W. Hensler, III, Civil Reconciliation Tort Theory: Making Torts Private Again, 90 UMKC L. REV. 313 (2021).

LYNNE MARIE KOHM, LAW AND ECONOMICS IN JANE AUSTEN (2022) (coauthored with Kathleen E. Akers).

Bradley J. Lingo, A Second-Class First Amendment Right? Text, Structure, and Free Exercise After Fulton, WAKE FOREST L. REV. (forthcoming 2022) (coauthored with & Michael Schietzelt).

Bradley J. Lingo., Relieving the Crisis in Religious Liberty, 34 REGENT U. L. REV. 339 (2022) (reviewing KEN STARR, RELIGIOUS LIBERTY IN CRISIS: EXERCISING YOUR FAITH IN AN AGE OF UNCERTAINTY (2021).

S. Ernie Walton, Gender Identity Ideology: The Totalitarian, Unconstitutional Takeover of America’s Public Schools, 34 REGENT U. L. REV. 219 (2022).

S. Ernie Walton, Yes, CRT Is Being Taught in Public Schools, THE AMERICAN SPECTATOR (Oct. 2021).

S. Ernie Walton, Virginia Voters, Beware the Weaponization of Teachers, THE AMERICAN THINKER (Oct. 2021).

S. Ernie Walton, Why Virginians Should be Terrified of Terry McAuliffe, THE AMERICAN SPECTATOR (Oct. 2021).

University Library

Gillie, E. (2021). Post Pandemic Praxis: A Meditation on Psalm 23. The Christian Librarian 64(2) article 12.

Robertson School of Government

Knight, & Hastey, J. (2022). The danger of emergent opportunities: Perverse incentives, climate change, and Arctic shipping. Global Perspectives, 3(1).

Hastey J.A. & Romaniuk, S. (2021). Between competition and war: Complex security overlay and the South China Sea. In G. Houlden, S.H. Romaniuk and N. Hong (eds.), Security, strategy, and military dynamics in the South China Sea: Cross-national perspectives. Bristol University Press.

Hastey, & Knight, A. (2021). New Under the Sun? Reframing the Gray Zone in International Security. Journal of Strategic Security, 14(4), 21–36.

Hastey, J.A. (Forthcoming). China and the shadow of shifting power: Faits accompli and the contest for East Asia. Routledge.

Nolte, A.J. (2021, December). Bishops, kings and Leviathan: Nationalism and integralism in light of high church Anglican political Tthought. International Journal of Religion, 2 (2), pp. 115-128. view/1772/1398.

Nolte, A.J. (2021, October). Documenting changes in religious freedom conditions in Sudan.” Religious Freedom Institute case study.

Patterson, E. (2022, March). Religious nationalism’s role in Russia’s war with Ukraine. WORLD News Group.

Patterson, E. (2022, March). A threat to Russian authoritarianism. WORLD News Group.

Patterson, E. (2022, February). A just war requires a just response. WORLD News Group.

Patterson, E. (2022, February). Beijing’s Berlin moment. WORLD News Group.

Patterson, E. (2022, February). Olympic Boycotts: From Berlin 1936 to Beijing 2022. Providence: A Journal of Christianity and American Foreign Policy. https://providence

Patterson, E. and Lindner, A. (2022, February). G.K. Chesterton’s lessons for patriotism and the Olympics. Providence: A Journal of Christianity and American Foreign Policy.

Patterson, E. (2022, January). “Camaraderie and Love in matrix resurrections.” Providence: A Journal of Christianity and American Foreign Policy. 01/camaraderie-love-matrix-resurrections/.

Patterson, E. (2022, January). Who will blink first? WORLD News Group. opinions/who-will-blink-first-1641385293.

Patterson, E. (2021, December). A weak approach to Nigerian violence. WORLD News Group.

Patterson, E. (2021, December). God with us. Providence: A Journal of Christianity and American Foreign Policy.

Patterson, E. (2021, December). Jesus the servant. Providence: A Journal of Christianity and American Foreign Policy.

Patterson, E. (2021, December). The Flight to Egypt.” Providence: A Journal of Christianity and American Foreign Policy.

Patterson, E. (2021, December). The consolation of Israel. Providence: A Journal of Christianity and American Foreign Policy. consolation-israel-advent-hope/.

Patterson, E. and Lindner, A. (2021, November). C.S. Lewis and Veterans Day: Honoring the protectors. Providence: A Journal of Christianity and American Foreign Policy.

Patterson, E. (2021, November). Christian realism and the case of Afghanistan. (Video Article). Providence: A Journal of Christianity and American Foreign Policy.

Patterson, E. (2021, November). Veterans Day 2021: Remembrance, honor, and the preservation of liberty. WORLD News Group.

Patterson, E. (2021, November). Ideas have consequences: The Mayflower Compact (1620) vs. The 1619 Project. WORLD News Group.

Patterson, E. (2021, October). Recommitting to a global religious freedom strategy. WORLD News Group.

Patterson, E. (2021, October). James Bond and the challenge to civilized order.” WORLD News Group.

Patterson, E. (2021, October). 007 and M on national security stewardship. Providence: A Journal of Christianity and American Foreign Policy. /10/007-m-national-security-stewardship-james-bond/.

Patterson E. & Joustra R. (2022). Power politics and moral order: Three generations of Christian realism--a reader. Cascade Books.

School of Business and Leadership

Stone, A.G. & Patterson, K. (2021). The history of leadership focus: Servant leadership’s coming of age. In S. Dhiman & G. Roberts. The Palgrave Handbook of Servant Leadership. Palgrave Macmillan.

Patterson, K. (2022). Servant leadership and love. In Servant-leadership, feminism, and gender well-being: How leaders transend global inequities through hope, unity, and love. SUNY Press.

Carey, M., Patterson, K., & Spears, L. C. (2021). Head, hands, and heart: The essential tripod of servant-leadership education. The International Journal of Servant-Leadership, 15(1), 57-66.

Patterson, K. (2021, October). Dear friend: Be the safe space. The Christian Post.

Patterson, K. (2021, October). Dear abuser: You can heal. The Christian Post.

Patterson, K. (2021, October). Dear abused: You are seen, heard, and known. The Christian Post.

Patterson, K. (2021, October). Dear Church: Some of your sheep are suffering. The Christian Post.

Root, A., & Yung, K. (2022). Resolving agency and product market views of cash holdings. Research in International Business and Finance, 59, 101518–.

Root, A. (2022), Editor. ICGS Newsletter, 9[1]. International Corporate Governance Society.

Root, A., Gomez, D., and Stone, G. (2022) MBA Program Self-Study. Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs. Regent University School of Business and Leadership.

Stone, A.G. & Patterson, K. (2021). The history of leadership focus: Servant leadership’s coming of age. In S. Dhiman & G. Roberts. The Palgrave Handbook of Servant Leadership. Palgrave Macmillan.

Winston, B. E. (n.d.). Relationship of servant leadership, perceived organizational support, and work-family conflict with employee well-being. CSU ePress.

Solola, O., Buford, M., Shannon, M. R., & Winston, B.E. (2021). Alignment of leaders' espoused and  practiced values on employees' organizational identification. International Leadership Journal, 13(3). 3-55. chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/