US State Department Policy Priorities
CIA Factbook about countries
Foreign Policy Think Tanks
Eurostat. From the Statistical Office of the European Commission. Many publications, data sets, and tables available for free.
International Statistics. Links to all statistics programmes of the United Nations, of the United Nations Specialized Agencies (FAO, ILO, IMF, etc), and selected Autonomous Organizations (Eurostat, World Trade Organization, OECD, etc).
LABORSTA. Data on employment, unemployment, wages, labour cost, Consumer Price Indices, occupational injuries, strikes and lockouts, hours of work, etc. Covers over 200 countries or territories, some data going back several decades. From the Bureau of Statistics - International Labour Organization (ILO).
NationMaster. Country statistics from a variety of sources. Users can create graphs comparing countries on particular statistics.
OECD Statistics Portal. Provides data by topic, e.g. health, education/training, information, communication, energy, environment, finance, technology, social welfare, etc. From the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).
OFFSTATS. Links to official statistics. Searchable by country, region, topic.
Organization of American States (OAS). The Organization of American States is the world’s oldest regional organization, dating back to the First International Conference of American States, held in Washington, D.C., from October 1889 to April 1890. That meeting approved the establishment of the International Union of American Republics, and the stage was set for the weaving of a web of provisions and institutions that came to be known as the inter-American system, the oldest international institutional system.