For help with citations, contact Regent's writing coaches & see the library tools described below. Citation styles by major & program.
1. Get Instant Citations in Primo & Databases
Our library search, Primo, and most of our databases will give you a formatted citation for a source if you click on "Citation" or the quotation mark icon. See this example of a citation for a book in Primo:
2. Style Manuals & Official Websites for MLA, APA, Chicago, Turabian, AP, & APSA
Go right to the official sources for citation format. Click on the blue boxes to the left to see the e-books, websites, and books you have access to for MLA, APA, or Chicago/Turabian (which are almost identical).
3. RefWorks: Create a Bibliography Instantly
Regent subscribes to RefWorks premium for you! You can start an account for free and make a bibliography instantly. You can take your account with you when you graduate, so you never lose track of your sources!
To sign up for RefWorks, just use your normal Regent username, but create a special password just for RefWorks. You can always access RefWorks through your Primo library account (click your name in the upper right to see your account).
When you find a source in Primo or a database that you want to add to your bibliography, click "RW" to export it to RefWorks, then "Import," then "Last Imported," then select the desired sources, & "Create Bibliography." Then "control + C" to copy the citations and "control + V" to paste in your paper.
Note of caution: Citations generated by machines are not always correct. Double-check them using your handbook or the official website for your style!
It is recommended that you use RefWorks, a Regent-provided free account that stores your sources and forms bibliographies in your format. You can also export sources from Primo to RefWorks. Here are some other options: