The following library terms will help you navigate the library and its resources.
Abstract - A concise summary of a periodical article or book. It can also refer to an electronic database or a set of print publications which provide citations and summaries of articles or texts published in periodicals, books or other materials.
Barcode - Barcodes are located on circulating materials as well as you Regent ID number.
Bibliography - A bibliography is a list of citations to resources (books, articles, media, websites, etc) used for research. Often located at the end of an article or book; can also refer to a collection of information resources on a particular subject.
Boolean Searching - Boolean searching is a method of combining search terms in database searching using Boolean operators: AND, OR and NOT. Example: diabetes and children or girls not boys.
Call Number - A call number consists of a series of letter, numbers or symbols that identifies an individual book or other cataloged materials. Call number labels are usually located on the spine of a book. Regent University Library uses the Library of Congress Classification system.
Check Out/Circulation - To borrow a book from the library for a certain period of time, you must take the book to the Resource Desk (sometimes called Circulation); always bring your Regent University ID card with you.
Citation - The information necessary for another person to locate an item. Typically a book bibliographic citations would contain the Title, Author or Editor, Edition, Place of Publication, Publisher and Year of Publication. An article's citation would usually include the Title of the Article, Author of the Article, Title of the Periodical, Volume Number, Issue Number (sometimes the month and ate), Year of Publication, and the Page Numbers. Bibliographic citations can also be called a "bibliographic entry", a "reference", or "citation". There are several different ways/and or rules to create citations; see Style Manuals listed on the "Citation" page.
Circulation Desk - The circulation desk is the place to check out and return library materials. It is located on the main floor of the library.
Database -A database is a file or collection of bibliographic citations or records of materials stored electronically in a manner that can be retrieved and manipulated.
Directory - Systematically organized list of persons, businesses, organizations, or associations that provides addresses, affiliations, telephone numbers, and similar information.
Due Date - The due date is the date before which library materials on loan should be returned or renewed. Materials not returned or renewed by designated due date are subject to fines or loss of borrowing privileges.
Electronic Journals (E-Journals) - Electronic journals are full text or abstracts of journal articles. Regent University Library subscribes to a wide variety of research E-journals which are accessible through Primo and the databases.
Fulfillment Services (ILL) - Fulfillment Services are offered to current Regent University students, faculty, and staff to request books and journal articles located at other surrounding university libraries. If a needed item is not owned by Regent University Library, it can be requested through Primo.
Government Documents/Government Publications - A government publication is an official document issued by a government agency. Government publications contain information covering a wide variety of subjects. Regent University collections include the United States and Virginia government documents.
Index - There are two kinds of indexes: periodical and book indexes. A periodical index is a list of bibliographic citations of articles in magazines or journals. It can be used to help find articles on specific topics. An index of a book is an alphabetical list of important entry points with pagination to the full contents of the book.
LibGuides - A LibGuide is a subject research guide developed by librarians. They highlight the essential resources on a specific subject. The LibGuides are available on the library's home page at
Library Instruction - Regent University librarians are available to make class presentations geared to the subject of the course. Covering library research methods, key online systems, electronic resources, Internet and World Wide Web sources, and other appropriate materials. The librarians are also available to meet one-on-one with the students to help with their class assignments. For further information or to schedule a class information session, see the Library Orientation/Instruction page.
Library's Web Site - Regent University Library's website is It is the primary means of accessing library resources, programs, and many other services.
Loan Period - Length of time library materials may be borrowed. See "Circulation."
Microform - Microform is a storage format with reduced images a supposed to the electronic or print formats. There are two kinds of microform: microfiche and microfilm. Microfiche: A 4x6 sheet of plastic film - that sores information in a compact form and requires a microfiche reading device in order to be used. Microfilm: A roll of the film, either 16mm or 35mm, that stores patents, periodicals, or other documents and requires a reading machine in order to be used.
Off-Campus Access/ EZProxy - Off-campus access to most library online databases and e-journals and e-books is restricted and available only to current Regent University students, faculty, and staff. The EZProxy server validates current Regent University users. When you click on a link to an online database, e-journal, or e-book, a new window appears. Enter your current, active Regent University email username and password to connect via the EZProxy.
Online Catalog - The online catalog is an electronic database listing all of the materials such as books and periodicals owned by Regent University Library (including the Law Library). Records in the database provide information about these items, such as author, title, subject, call number, publication date, location, and availability.
Overdue - Overdue means that the book checked out by you is late for return. It has not been renewed or returned to the library by the due date.
Periodicals - Materials that are published "periodically" or sequentially in daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, annual, or even irregular intervals. They are found in newspapers, magazines, journals, yearbooks, and other sources. Periodicals are available in several formats: bound papers volumes (like books), microfiche or microfilm, and electronic text.
Primo - The discovery service which combines the Online Catalog with a broad index to provide access to print and electronic items.
Recall - Recall is a service through which you can request a book that has already been checked out by another patron. When the book is returned to the library, it will be held for you, and you will be notified.
Reference Collection - Reference collections are located in Regent University Library. These collections consist of materials used frequently for general information, such as encyclopedias, dictionaries, indexes, and other materials. These materials not be checked out of the library.
Reference Desk - Regent University no longer has a designated reference desk. To get assistance, please go to the Circulation desk and request assistance from a reference librarian or go online and contact a reference librarian at:
Renew/Renewal - Renew is a service that allows you to extend the loan period for the book that you have checked out unless another user has recalled the book. You can renew your books through the Regent University Library Catalog.
Reserves & E-Reserves - Reserves are required reading/listening/viewing materials that can be used for limited periods of time [(set by the professor(s) for their students)]. Print and video reserves are available at the Circulation Desk to checkout. For more information, visit at:
Scholarly and/or Popular Articles - For greater detail, see the page on Scholarly versus Popular.
Serial - Any publication issued in successive parts, appearing at intervals, usually regular ones, and, as a rule, intended to be continued indefinitely. The term includes Periodicals, newspapers, annuals, numbered monographic series, and the proceedings, transactions, and memoirs of societies. (From Harrods...Glossary).
Stacks - The shelves or bookcases on which library materials are stored. The plural "stacks" is usually used ("The book is located in the stacks on the 2nd floor"). Ask library staff for assistance in locating an item in the library's stacks.
Style Manuals / Guides - Special resources which illustrate the accepted forms for citing references in bibliographies, footnotes, and endnotes. Some style manuals are for general use. Professional associations publish others as form guides for articles in journals in that field of knowledge and research—contact reference staff for help.
Zotero - Firefox extension to help you collect, manage, and cite your research sources. See "Citation Management" page.
The glossary was adapted from the glossary by George Mason University InfoGuide.