Overview: Regent’s University Library houses print materials designated to be of such importance, and possibly in such a state of demand, that they are not allowed to be checked out (that is, to circulate). This is to ensure quick and ready access for all students, faculty, or another patron as far as is possible. However, rare exceptions may be made.
A. Policy Statement
B. Process/Procedure
C. Contact Information
D. Forms
A. Policy.
The University Library is committed to providing excellent reference resources for all of its patrons.
A-1. Requesting to check out a reference material
Any member of the Regent community (faculty, staff, or student) who desires to check out materials from the reference section of Regent Library must bring the desired materials to the Resource Desk and fill out a form for each individual item. The form is available at the Resource Desk. The forms and materials will then be passed on to a librarian for assessment. The librarian decides whether to accept or reject the request.
If a request is made during library hours, yet no librarian is present, the patron will be notified that their request will be reviewed the next day that a librarian is available in the library. Their form will be held, the material(s) shelved, and they will be contacted by phone or email when the request has been processed.
A-2. Authorization of reference material checkout
The librarian (typically the on-duty reference librarian) who receives the reference checkout request from circulation will assess the requested material(s), the need of the patron, how long the requested material is desired for, and any other potential concerns. If needed, they will consult the subject librarian related to the material requested. The decision of the librarian is final.
A-3. Fines for lost or damaged materials
The librarian who authorizes the checkout is NOT responsible for loss or damages. See “Borrowing Privileges” on the library website for details about fines.
B. Process.
1. Patron brings material(s) to circulation and requests to check them out
2. Patron fills out a form provided by circulation, 1 per item
3. Librarian receives form(s) and material(s) from circulation and assesses
4. Circulation is notified of authorization and receives form(s) and material(s) from the librarian
5. Patron is notified of authorization decision by circulation and has 24 hours to check out material(s)
6. If the patron is not present, material is shelved in its normal location
7. Patron takes material(s) to circulation for checkout
8. No renewals allowed
C. Contact Information.
Contact the Head of Access Services or a Reference Librarian
D. Forms.
The checkout form is available at the Resource Desk.
This policy was reviewed and approved by the university librarians on July 24th, 2012.