The VIVA Cooperative Borrowing Program allows Regent students, faculty, and staff in-person borrowing privileges from any participating library (Students must show school ID and login to home university Blackboard for proof of enrollment). Not all VIVA schools participate in the program, and there may be restrictions on the number and type of items one can borrow.
Program guidelines can be found here, and a list of participating institutions can be found here.
Regent faculty, staff, and students must comply with all policies of the participating library they are utilizing. This program is especially helpful for those living closer to another participating VIVA library.
The American Theological Library Association (ATLA) Reciprocal Borrowing Program is an arrangement between participating North American ATLA Institutional Members to grant in-person borrowing privileges to each other’s patrons/students.
A patron/student goes to a participating library, shows proof of current enrollment at another participating library, and checks out materials based on the library’s local lending policies. Click for a list of participating school libraries and their contact information.
The Association of Christian Librarians (ACL) Reciprocal Borrowing Program is a program whereby participating ACL institutions extend in-person borrowing privileges to authorized patrons from other ACL institutions. This service allows Regent University students, faculty, and staff reciprocal access to the physical collections of participating Christian libraries. A list of libraries participating in the program can be found here. A map of participating libraries and their contact information can be found here (if this page doesn't display properly, open with private/incognito browsing).
How to Borrow:
Distance students should always consider Regent University Library as their primary library for requesting materials and research assistance. However, Regent University distance students who live close to and utilize another academic library may be reimbursed for the cost of purchasing a library card to borrow books at that institution. The terms of this reimbursement program are as follows:
The maximum reimbursement limit is $100.00 per academic year.
It is the responsibility of distance students to obtain the following information in order to make an informed decision:
Distance students living in a large metropolitan area should consider whether other libraries' holdings are more relevant to their course of study.
Before purchasing a local library card...
NOTE: Regent University Library will not pay for a local library card prior to purchase or contact another library for you.